VENLA provides a sustainable and convenient way for you to give a new home to your quality used clothing and accessories while making money in the process. It’s like starting your own little fashion boutique by selling your preloved fashion!

VENLA provides an easy way for anyone to start your own fashion business!

Go through your wardrobe and choose the items (40+ garments and 5+ accessories) you would like to sell. Make sure that are VERY GOOD QUALITY and CLEAN!


👗: Think what would sell well now in the current season – what you buy now yourself?
👗: Great ageless brands sell always well
👗: Make your rack look attractive for the buyer
👗: Price the items smartly – think yourself as a buyer
👗: If you have high-end brands (handbags, shoes) to guarantee a good price make sure you have authentication. Be honest!
👗: Top up when you sell You can choose VENLA SELF-SERVICE that include rack rental and 25% sales commission.

You price your items on our platform yourself and set up and look after your rack. Or if you are busy choose VENLA ALL-INCLUSIVE, You pay rack rental and 50% commission to the VENLA team who will do your pricing and look after your rack. Pick up service is $30.

There! What are you waiting for? Join the VENLA mission and help reduce fashion waste!