Introducing VENLA LUXE—our preloved designer online store for buying and selling luxury brand accessories like bags, shoes and belts. We only sell authenticated items in very good condition, so you can shop with confidence. No clothing, just pure luxury!

Stay tuned for more details on how you can start selling or shopping your favourite high-end items soon.

Keep an eye out for our official launch!

About the author
Satu Raunola Spencer’s entrepreneurial journey culminated in founding VENLA Resell + Relove, a pioneering rent-a-rack second-hand fashion store in Sydney. Co-founded with fellow Finnish entrepreneur Minna Monaghan as a COVID-era pivot, VENLA brought the Nordic rent-a-rack concept to Sydney, blending innovation with a commitment to sustainability. Satu’s story, rooted in Finnish sisu, is one of resilience and dedication, inspiring more sustainable consumer practices and addressing fashion's environmental challenges.