How to choose the right accessories for your outfit? Choosing the perfect accessories can elevate your outfit from simple to stunning. Here are some quick tips to help you make the right choices.
  1. Consider the occasion: Match your accessories to the event you're attending.
  2. Keep it simple: Opt for simple accessories that won't overpower your outfit.
  3. Match your metals: Try to wear accessories that match in metal tone.
  4. Consider the color scheme: Choose accessories that complement your outfit's colors.
  5. Balance is key: Don't overdo it with too many accessories.

Always choose accessories that match your personal style and seem like a good fit for the clothes you own.Fashion trends are changing, and preferences are changing, but at the end of the day, you need to feel comfortable with how you look and what you wear.

“Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Coco Chanel*

All accessories in the photo above are available at VENLA BONDI